
Find Answers to Why Residential Air Conditioning Units Leak

Find Answers to Why Residential Air Conditioning Units Leak

Since summer has arrived, we all are making necessary preparations to protect ourselves from the hot, searing heat. Among the required steps we must take, the most crucial is to ensure that your air conditioning unit is operational. It can be nothing less than a nightmare if your AC breaks down in the summer when the sun isn’t showing any mercy. Since these systems are continually in use throughout the summer, their efficiency could suffer, resulting in them getting worn out. Thus, it is significant to contact a professional immediately after noticing anything strange with your cooling system.

Most people overlook their cooling system as long as it keeps the space cool until it entirely stops working. Your AC will always give you warning signs before it stops working completely. Such warning indications can be water leakage, bad odor, heated air, etc. If you see any of these signs, it is best to call a professional who can repair your Residential Air Conditioning in the Tampa Bay Area. The following section will discuss the common reasons for witnessing water leaks in your cooling system.

Drain Line Blockage: Water leaks are visible when drain lines are clogged. Since it is responsible for carrying the water away from the unit, any blockage will cause the water to back up and leak out. In case of a minor obstruction, you can usually fix it yourself. However, if the problem continues, you may need to replace the whole drain line.

Evaporator Coil Cracked: A damaged evaporator coil is another issue that might lead to water leakage. Because the evaporation coil has to absorb heat, it might cause water to seep out if it becomes non-functional. If it becomes damaged, you will need to have it replaced by an expert in your region.

Too Little Room/Space: If an air conditioner does not fit the room properly, then water leakage is the most likely scenario. If the unit is too small, it will run continuously and generate a lot of condensation. The same will result in leakage concerns, necessitating the purchase of a larger AC to solve the problem.

Aside from the reasons above, another problem that might cause your Residential Air Conditioning unit to leak is a defective or poor installation. It is preferable to find competent professionals who can install the system efficiently to prevent any sort of problem from happening in the first place. Unfortunately, if you see water leaks in your air conditioner, you need to get professional help to address the issue.

Water leaks may be damaging; therefore, it’s critical to resolve the problem as quickly as feasible. Turn the gadget off and disconnect it from the power source first. Call Proficient Air, LLC if you suspect any of the issues discussed above. All brands, manufacturers, and models are proudly serviced and repaired by us. Our knowledgeable specialists can diagnose problems and deliver the best solution. Reach out to us confidently!